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About Us
Tax, Accounting, Company Structuring


Accounting and Tax Planning is not only about presenting numbers but intelligent corporate structuring and telling the right story.

We are a boutique specialist accounting, tax consulting and corporate structuring firm.

Karl Horsburgh, the Managing Director of the firm is a UK Chartered Accountant and Luxembourg Réviseur d'Entreprises with over 40 years of experience in international tax planning, auditing and accounting.

Sergio Mignani, the Manager of the firm has 30 years of experience in accounting and tax compliance.

We help the client see through the figures to have a clear picture of his business especially at the year-end and pay the tax that he is legally required to, after having ensured that he has taken advantage of everything the tax law in Luxembourg and abroad allows him to do.


Creating your Company

We can advise you and help you create your Holding (Soparfi), Intellectual Property, Trading, Unregulated Securitization (Titrisation), Special Investment Fund (SIF)or Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF) in Luxembourg in the form of a Public Limited Company or PLC (SA or Société anonyme) or Limited Liability Company or Ltd.  (Sàrl or Société à responsabilté limitée) or Limited Partnership (Secs or Société en commandite simple).

Physical Presence and Administration of your Company

We can provide a registered address, fully furnished office for substance, accounting, reporting financial statements, corporate and value-added tax declarations, ECDF filings, filing with the Luxembourg Business Register and all manner of Local services. We can also recommend service providers in other countries for your cross border requirements.

Corporate Structuring and Tax Planning

We can recommend the most appropriate corporate structure for your business taking into account your cross border activity. We also ensure that you have the most cost-effective and efficient tax planning structure always bearing in mind the current legislation especially on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting adopted by Luxembourg and other countries.

Our Services


TACS clearly explaind to me the advantages and disadvantages of the various company types. Finally I understood. It is great to have advisers who explain things simply.

Paul Evens, financial advisor

Contact Us


Please send us an email and explain what you need help with. We will try and answer within 48 hours.

Thank you for your message, we will get back to you shortly.



Phone: +352 202 115 11
Mobile: +352 621 245 215


9-11 rue Louvigny

L-1946 Luxembourg

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Mon - Fri: 09.00 to 17.30

​​Saturday: Closed

​Sunday: Closed

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